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These items were all created for the fictional launch of a Microsoft Retail Store in Downtown Victoria


Full text of these articles are all available at the PDF links on this page.

Media Release

Fact Sheet


Social Media Release

The media release is designed to attract the attention of the reader immediately while continuing to provide vital information throughout the release.  The goal is to maintain the reader's attention while providing all of the key messages in a succinct manner.

The backgrounder provides the supplementary information necessary for the press to write their initial story.  It delivers all of the important information while also ensuring that the key messages are well presented.

The Social Media Release is designed to provide all of the information that social media, blogs and internet -based news sources will need including pictures, video, Facebook and Twitter feeds to ensure that the information reaches the most viewers possible.

The fact sheet is designed to deliver just that; the facts, and nothing more.  It presents all of the information that the media would need to make the most out of their time when visiting the event and writing about it after.

Planning Sheet

The planning sheet helps to identify what the purpose of each component of the media collection is.  It also helps to ensure that the communications get across all of the key points to the reader.


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